For Consultations… Please call for Prices

We are A NON-Aversive Training Center Our methods are positive reinforcement and negative punishment. We use rewards such as food, toys, life reward, and praise.

Beginner Intermediate and Advance Obedience Courses

• For Dogs 19 weeks and older.

• 5 Weeks Courses

• Will learn sit, down, recalls, stay, loose leash walking and more along w/ the three D’s.

  • Distraction, Duration and Distance


• For pups 8 -18 weeks old.

• A great start for your puppy. This course is 5 weeks. Will learn how to properly socialize your puppy, sit, down, recall, leave it, drop it along with loose leash walking and more. 

• Talk about those behaviors puppies do such as biting, chewing, potty problems and much more.

AKC CGC Course

• 5 Week Course

• Prerequisite Beginner Obedience class before taking the AKC CGC Class.

• This class you will learn and demonstrate 10 items that are on the AKC CGC evaluation.

• Once you have demonstrated the 10 items pass the CGC Certification

AKC Community Canine Course

• Prerequisite Beginner Obedience, and have passed the CGC Certification

• Prepares you for taking the 10-step certification.

C.L.A.S.S Canine Life and Social Skills

This is a 3 Degree Levels Classes.

  • Bachelor’s level BA
  • Master Level MA
  • D Level Doctorate
  • Each Level is 5 weeks.
  • Demonstrate real life skills in each level.


• This class will help you walk your dog on a loose leash with out your dog taking you for a walk.

• It’s all about “walking” so bring your walking shoes and let’s get going.

• 3 Week Class


• This class will help you and your dog with a reliable recall.

• It’s all about the dog coming to you enthusiastically!

• Lifesaving skill.

• 3 Week Class

Rally For Fun

• Obedience the fun way! Dog and handler move together through a course of 10 -20 signs.

• Each sign displays a skill to perform such as sit, turn, down, stay.

Frighten Fido Class

• 5-week class.

• Is your dog frighten of people, noise, objects, and afraid of being handled we will help you learn the skills that are needed to help your frighten fido cope with these fears.  A more confident fido.

Reactive Rover Class

• 5-week class

• This class will help you learn the skills needed to manage your reactive rover.

• Reactivity is not curable it is managed.

• We will give you the necessary tools you need to manage your dog.

Private Classes and Sessions

• Call for appointment.

• We can come to you, or you can come to us.

• Call to register for Classes and fill out the paperwork at the Forms Tab