In Memory of Tom

“Thomas (Tom) Brother, Son, Brother-in-law”

Thomas Patrick Bane III September 25, 1970 – January 19, 2022

We lost Tom January of 2022 due to the devastating pandemic. The day our world changed forever.

Tom was a special person in our family. He was the glue.  Tom was the youngest of three children. Tom had to contend with two older sisters who always dotted over him.

Tom had a heart of gold he would do anything for anyone. Very caring, compassionate person. Strong faith in God, he believed in his convictions.

He always had a smile on his face and had a special giggle.  He felt the glass was half full, not half empty.

Tom was a UPS driver his route took him to Buffalo NY every evening he always made his calls to all of us once he got on the road, mom first of course, Al my husband, myself, and my sister. He had a passion for animals, loved cats, dogs. Had a passion for planting a garden, even though he didn’t like vegetables, he only loved corn on the cob. Tom would help every year planting at the farm helping my husband, those two were two peas in a pod, so much alike.  Tom was like another son to my husband.

Tom was one of the reasons I started Canine Scholars.  He encouraged me to take that next step. He was a big part of Canine Scholar; he helped me with training enjoyed our clients and their dogs.  We worked well together it was a great collaboration, we loved doing it together. He started my original website, that was all him, another one of his passions he jumped right in with everything he had.  The day we lost Tom I lost our website, something he did just for me.

Tom has left a hole in our hearts, there is not a day that goes by that we all don’t think of him. Tom you are so missed by all of us.  We know you are watching over us and still have your hands in everything we do.  Your spirit will live through this website and everything we do.

This is my command-be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discourage. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.
– Joshua 1:9

You are loved, You are Missed!